Weight concerns


Non-Sugar Sweeteners, your weight and your health – what people in midlife need to know

Are you one of the thousands of midlife people who uses non-sugar sweeteners in...
8 factors that influence your body weight in midlife

Weight concerns in midlife: 9 key areas that impact your body weight

Let’s me start by saying that I care far less about your body weight...
Diet Binge Cycle-2

The exhausting cycle that makes you overeat and keeps you away from energizing and sustainable eating

Do you overeat? Have you ever over-eaten? Have you ever felt a loss of...

Having trouble with your portion sizes? There is more to your appetite than your will power

Are you having trouble controlling your portion sizes and how much you eat? Do...

Body image in midlife: How to improve yours

Trigger Warning - this blog post explores body image, body dissatisfaction and includes reflective...

So your body has changed in midlife…now what?

Midlife is a time of change. Our hair, our skin, our bodies don’t work...